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London Musings

Always thought will blog about the places I have visited but finally managed to 'Just do it'.
Was super excited to be invited for a conference in London.

While getting the visa, booking the flight and hotel at last minute was a challenge it was worth

At the Heathrow airport, immigration was a breeze. For an airport that handles over 213,668 passengers 
daily, the processes and systems are well handled to ensure that the travellers are made to feel at home.
I had heard about the famous British stiff upper lip so was prepared but nothing prepared me for 
the warm and emphatic people that Londoners really are.





















Managed to get the Oyster Card that helped me travel all over the place and the London Pass
that helped me enter all the attractions free (sort of :)) Every place people would stop to help 
with train routes. Not only they would guide with routes , some would even offer to drop me in case
I looked lost. It resonated with the deeply caring empthatic nature of Mumbai. The hustle bustle, the crowds 
everything reminded me of Mumbai. It also made me a little sensitive to people around me whom I other wise 
indifferent to in Dubai.

So this page is dedicated to those hundreds of strangers who helped, guided me and made London so beautiful for me.
Shoutout to Anne - though you were wheelchair bound you inspired me to learn biking with your biking stories.
Folks who helped me scram through the London traffic when dashing back to Dubai, I will be forever grateful

and indebted to get to the airport on time whilst managing to go pubbing as well.  Most importantly to my family and team mates who supported me wholeheartedly all through this!!

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